Many exciting inputs and the subsequent discussions produced very good “initial” results. These will be incorporated into the next activities of the Experts Group KuN and developed further.
BarCamps offer the opportunity to get involved, experience other perspectives, develop results together and much more. The opportunities to exchange experiences, expand our professional network and lay the foundations for future business partnerships and success are extremely valuable.
💪 “The Experts Group for Cooperation and Networks (KuN) advises you on business cooperation and networks. We are a group of experts who can provide you with the best advice nationwide. Together with you, we analyze the needs for your project and select those experts from our pool of members who can offer the necessary advice for your project.” Source: https://
Es war mir eine Freude euch kennenzulernen bzw. wiederzusehen!
Many thanks to the national speaker Martin Seibt and the whole team for the excellently organized event!
Kind Regards
Freundliche Grüße
Anton Aldrian